Monday, January 11, 2010

We’re home. After a fun and crazy two weeks, we try to settle back in again. I feel like I have been living on coffee (and lots of food) for a couple weeks, but I guess that’s part of the fun.

Like usual, I had a mixture of emotions leaving Indiana and coming back to Red Lake. Unfortunately, the sight that greeted me in our living room was not helpful at all. Our cozy Christmas tree had turned into the tree version of a mangy dog:

I laughed and laughed when I saw it. Then I realized that Kendall was going into work that night and would sleep the entire next day. I thought, “I can’t go through my first 24 hours back with that creepy and depressing thing staring at me!” So my kind and compassionate husband sacrificed a portion of his very few hours of sleep before the night shift and took it out behind the barn and shot it. Thank you, Kendall.

By the way, I wrote a book about "The Decision," but I have to do some editing before I post.


Anonymous said...

LOL!! I agree w/ Jen that you should have left the tree up...:)jus kidding! So happy to hear from you again! Glad you had a good trip and time and sorry to miss you when you were in Indiana. I was so bummed when Jon told me you guys were in church.

LaRonda said...

I was just imagining what your tree looked like are so creative. Very Cute!

I can't wait to read this book :) Praying for you guys!

Dave & Gloria said...

Yeah, Karen... that tree DOES look just a bit anemic... it made me seems to have shrunk a whole lot since the night (just how many weeks ago?!) that we set that thing up! Mom