Thursday, January 21, 2010

7:45 am Central Time

Kendall just called. He is in the plane in Florida, waiting to take off. The flight is 2 hours long. So that means they should be on the ground around 10:00 my time. I'm so nervous and even a bit excited.

One of his parting comments was, "Can you call the Canadian government and see about adoption?" Anyone have the phone number for the government? :) Anyway, we are looking into that. Who knows?

By the way, last night I came across this blog. Melissa Yoder had a link on her blog. It was exactly what I needed. I think I'll be replacing some of the worrisome CNN coverage with this blog. This family has hope in the midst of really hard things.

Here is something from the blog that made me let out a huge sigh of relief:

The reports of violence - we don't get those. Have not seen it. Have not experienced it. Nothing even remotely close. People are helping each other and are warm and kind and humble. People are seeking each other out and checking to see how friends/acquaintances are recovering.

I know the unrest is still real, but I needed to hear another perspective.


Jen Bontrager said...

Hey Karen. Thinking and praying for your family a lot. I told Jodi today that I wouldn't be surprised if Kendall brings a kid home. I don't have the number for the Canadian government though. I read quite a bit on that blog that Melissa linked too also. Hang in there. Love ya.

Twila said...

Dad might have some numbers of some kind to get started. will call ya
mom H.

LaRonda said...

Wow! That would be awesome if he could bring home a little Hatian. Keep us updated...

Praying for you and the boys! I hope your week goes fast and you guys have fun!