Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Superhero Baby-Proofing

This morning I am babysitting an 18-month old.  (I love having little people close to Kai's age in my life!  It gives me a reference point for my long-distance nephew, though I'm pretty sure Kai's awesomeness is unrivaled.)  Anyway, the boys were up a bit before she came and they had their game out on the living room floor.  (So not baby-proofed.)  I told them they better clean it up because how are they gonna keep Elise out of it?  Evan had the answer: "A force field?"  Yes, my sons, please work your superhero powers and create a force field around your stuff to protect it.  I'm pretty sure that will work with your little sister in a few months.

Yesterday I spent some time reading back over my earliest blog posts.  Eli and Evan were 2 and 4 when we moved up here.  They were hilarious!  Grandparents, if you need a little smile in your day, I recommend going back and finding some silly stories about them.  So glad we're not done with toddlerhood.  Well, then again, I was clearly frazzled in some of the things I recorded.  We'll see if I'm up for the challenge again...

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