Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kendall Gets Worked Up

Most people that know Kendall and me know that our personalities are pretty different.  When I get worked up, it's a bit difficult to hide from those closest to me.  Oh, and I get worked up about a large variety of things, from other people's political views to what we're having for supper, from angry theology to my hair driving me crazy, from landscaping decisions to dart guns in the house.

Anyway, I've been learning about Kendall's "worked up style" for years now.  It's just so different from mine.  And it's triggered so differently. 

So the other day, the electrical inspector came to inspect the wiring in the garage.  Kendall was on top of everything.  The inspector was here for a short time, then left.  Kendall, of course, passed the inspection.  But apparently, he was rattled by the whole thing.  I went out and talked to him after the inspection.  In the course of the conversation, I asked if he was going to take a nap, as he had a night shift coming up that evening. 

"No," he said, "I'm too worked up." 

Then, to demonstrate for me, he said, "This is me worked up:"  And he calmly picked up his tool belt and resumed his work.

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