Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sleeping Under the Stars

Once again I convinced my family that we needed to sleep on the deck.  The moon was so bright and full.  It was beautiful.  Except for the mosquitoes which even found the inside of my ear.  Grrr. 

I include the following photo to point out the security fence erected in front of the stairway going down to the yard.  See that flimsy white laundry rack lying on it's side?  That's supposed to keep the bears and wolves away from us.  And it was put there by my Mighty Bushman.  (He's a softy deep down inside.)  However, to give him the credit he deserves, he slept on the side by the other stairway.  I only mocked a little about the laundry rack because I knew there was no way I was sleeping closest to the other stairway!


LaRonda said...

I love your plush bed and duvet, that is the way to do it. :)

Twila said...

where was Lydia? looks like fun!