Thursday, August 30, 2012

DC Talk, Anyone?

So I went back in the archives today, looking for an old DC Talk cassette.  Turns out, I didn't save any of their good ones!  Woe is me!  Why didn't I think ahead to the day when I would have an 8-year old son who might think I was cool if I listened to rap!  Eli has recently become very attached to a Toby Mac song on a CD that Jen gave us.  (This song has been listened to so much that my top goal for today was to get it out of my head.)  Anyway, I was excited to tell Eli that I'm so awesome that I knew Toby Mac when he was a part of another (cooler) band.  I came across a box of cassettes and CDs in the basement and eagerly tore through it, looking for my oldies but goodies.  But, alas, they were not there.  I only found their Jesus Freak CD.  I brought it up to the kitchen anyway and rocked out while Eli folded his laundry.  Deep down, he thought I was cool.

This cutie, on the other hand, always thinks I'm cool:
Lydia loves loves it when I sing anything, whether an old hymn or a silly camp song.  And sometimes when someone else is holding her, I glance up to find her staring lovingly at me or just smiling a huge "I-think-you're-cool-Mom" smile.
By the way, any other cool music suggestions for a son with a growing appreciation for music?


Jen Bontrager said...

My boys were rocking out to Michael W. Smith yesterday while cleaning their room. I recently found that tape. They had the cassette player on a weird setting though because MWS sounded like a little kid. I should try to find DC Talk. They would love it!

Jodi said...

Pure NRG! (Said like Pure Energy) Leah loves this band too. May not be rapping though... but it's still cool enough for mom's and dad's to rock out with. :)