Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lentil Loaf

The boys were not impressed with last night's supper. Okay. Now that I really look at the name of the entree, I see that it doesn't sound so appetizing. I myself wasn't that impressed either.

Here was Eli's description of what the Loaf did to him: "It makes all my saliva disappear. It's like biting on a dry towel."

I made it up to him with moist pumpkin bread for dessert.


Kirst said...

he is one creative kid. :)

Jodi said...

Ha Ha, Eli! Or as grandpa Rich may say, "as dry as a fart"? Not sure the Lentil Loaf should be a repeat, Karen. Lentils do tend to taste like little hard pockets of sand. Hmm. Maybe I should feed them to Jace? He loves to eat sand!

Nathalie said...

Dear Eli and Evan,

One time my mom made "burgers" for dinner but instead of hamburger she used a recipe which included rice and peanut butter. Even with lots of ketchup and mustard they were VERY gross. However, I think you should eat whatever you mom serves you and say, "Thanks Mom, you're the best!"
