Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow ice cream! So yummy!

And we have a "wee" little problem in this house with pee not hitting its intended target.  (Well, I assume it's the intended target.  Maybe they don't even intend to hit it, I don't know.)  After repeated warnings and various approaches, we finally said, No Standing To Pee.  This was my gentle reminder:

Now I feel ready to recieve the "Creative, Fun and Involved Mother" award.  Of course, being that that is my blog, I can pick and choose the family moments and discipline methods that I want to share with you.  Like you don't witness the discipline method I sometimes use.  It's called Yelling at Your Children.  It's not very creative, fun or effective.  I can also choose the photos.  For example, I didn't put the better ice-cream-making photo on here because I did not like how I looked in it.

So all of that to lead into my big confession:  Yesterday I wrote about Lydia's grouchiness.  I listed the times she had been mad that day.  Well, the irony was not lost on me (it was also not shared on my blog) that as I was sitting at the computer typing that very post, she was mad that I was doing that while she sat on the floor.  Sitting on the computer while your child fusses is not a recommended parenting strategy.  I don't recommend it.  I don't endorse it.  But I sometimes do it.  (She's peacefully sleeping right now, by the way.)

The end.  I feel better. :)


Twila said...

Yea for Lydia crawling! and for Mom's poetry! Trying to figure out how you can have snow cream and its warm enough to go outside without shirts? Tough northern boys. reminds me of their day running outside barefoot to check the outside thermometer when it showed
52 F below zero. Thanks for the post love em.

Jodi said...

Your honesty is as refreshing as a winter cup of ice cream. I love your poem, and three cheers for sitters! Hip Hip No spray! Hip Hip No Spray!