Thursday, July 29, 2010

Evan's Feet

I have to say, I don't understand Evan's thing with feet. He has been known to wear anywhere from 3 to 8 pairs of socks at a time. He sometimes wears unmatched socks. When I asked him why he wears 2 different socks, he said, "It's more fancy."

Here are his feet in all their bowling glory:

And this is how I found him yesterday:
Eli reports that Evan told him he didn't notice the 2 different shoes. When I mentioned it to Evan, he said, "My socks match!"


Jen Bontrager said...

Too funny!

Twila said...

as long as one or the other matches, its fancy enough!! Ha, they look like they are growing can't wait to see you all next weekend!!
Mom H.

Jodi said...

I see Grandma Gloria left her mark. Haircuts! Too cute.