Thursday, July 15, 2010

Birthday Boy

Unfortunately for Kendall, his birthday fell on the day after the craziness of Bible School and hosting a youth group. Needless to say, he didn't have a big birthday bash. Besides, he had to work- a day trip to a reserve.

I did manage to buy him a giant cinnamon roll for breakfast. Here is the birthday boy's picture:

Oops again.

Eli overcompensates for his troubled family members.

Maybe it's just too early in the morning.

Blow out the candles instead.


Jodi said...

By picture four, you see such concentration on Evan's, "Ok, mom, I'm really going to do it this time, are you ready? ...Aw, shucks." As for Kendall...there are just no excuses. Drink more coffee.

Kirst said...

i love the picture where eli is "overcompensating for his troubled family members." :) and that IS one huge cinnamon roll!