We've had quite a bit of snow on the ground for the past week, which was completely normal. In fact, they say it often falls the first week of November and stays until April. So, though I wasn't quite ready, I knew I good very easily be saying goodbye to the grass for a long, long while.
But blessing! Wonder! Beauty! Rapture! THANK YOU! It got warm! We have had 3 warm and sunny days, the snow in our neck of the woods melted, and we had a second chance to rake those leaves I never got to. It has been beautiful and I am not taking it for granted.
And another wonderful thing is that Kendall had this weekend off! So this afternoon we went on a long walk in the bush. The pictures that follow don't look very warm or sunny, but trust me, it was a beautiful day. The snow didn't melt in the bush and the sun had started fading, but it was warm. And relaxing.
Eli: "This place rocks!"
Evan: "Everything here rocks!"
Eli: "This rocks, dude!" (hands held high in some weird teenagerish sign of victory)
I love the many varieties of moss!
Yahoo... hey, could you please hold that weather for a couple more weeks? It looks like you had a great day outside! Love, Mom
That's right, Evan, you are both winners. You might be the cutest though (don't tell Eli).
Have fun with the warm weather! We wish we could visit yous.
any pictures of your moss "garden"?Thanks for the pictures they are so cute,and yea for the warm weather. love ya,
Mom H.
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