Friday, November 13, 2009


Oh, the insightful little tidbits into the way our kids' minds work...

From Eli: When I was younger I thought that if you were raised as a girl, you'd change into a boy. And if you were a boy, you'd change into a girl. So I wanted to be a girl.

Me: So you'd be a man?

Eli: Yeah.

And from Evan... I was watching him in his class during circle time. His teacher was showing the class a crudely-drawn pair of gloves as they worked on words that start with the letter G. She asked what the drawing was. Evan eagerly raised his hand.

Evan: A hand?
Mrs. Morse: No. It's something that you wear on your hands.
Evan: Fingers?
Mrs. Morse: No. It's something you put on your hands to keep them warm.
Evan: Skin?


1 comment:

Karissa said...

Sometimes I try to read these funny things out loud to Rylan and it never works because I always peek ahead and can't talk because I'm laughing to hard. That happened tonight with this post :)