Saturday, June 2, 2012

Such a mix of emotions about the emergency c-section...
Of course the fear and the stress of the whole ordeal left a mark.  And there was disappointment.  I was psyched to labor and push this baby out.  (And what better baby to push out than this tiny one?)  I was disappointed because for months I had been preparing myself for labor.  I wanted to labor at home as long as possible.  Then, because it was Baby #3 and because she was so small, I wouldn't even be at the hospital very long before pushing her out.  I also had plans for how I would do some things differently from the first two, hopefully improving the experience.  And I was so looking forward to the hour or 2 after her birth.  I would have an adrenaline high and I was so excited about the alert time so many babies have right after they're born.  Well, none of those things happened.  In fact, everything seemed rather surreal after we were back home with Lydia.  I had been psyching myself up for a huge event that never happened.  But here I was with the final product: a beautiful little girl.

The other disappointments were knowing that I had a long healing time ahead of me and knowing that this c-section may change the course of any future delivery.

But my overwhelming emotions were those of gratitude and relief.  We were so grateful that the doctor here in Red Lake had the foresight to send us out before things got to a true state of emergency.  (Looking back, I think things were probably more urgent than we realized when they evacuated us, but we didn't need to know everything at the time.)  We were so glad to be in Winnipeg with nurses and doctors who do labor and delivery all day, every day.  It was good to know that we were just down the hall from an operating room if needed and that this was all a fairly normal course of events for the staff.

We were so grateful and relieved to have Lydia arrive safe and sound.  In the end, we were just glad to have her with us, however she arrived.

1 comment:

Joelle Hochstedler said...

Thanks so much for writing your birth story and you're feelings about it. I love to hear all the details! I am so sorry things didn't go as planned. I think that's something you have the right to mourn the loss of. BUT it sounds like you are staying positive and thankful! It seems like you got the best experience possible given a rather negative situation. Good doctors and nurses make things so much better (and a good husband ta boot!). I hope you're getting some rest and enjoying your family. Love you!