Sunday, April 29, 2012

I guess we can go ahead and forget the frustrated post I wrote Friday evening.  Kendall and I attended a parenting seminar yesterday, so that should all be behind us now.  Right.  Oh well.  At least we have some new tools at our disposal.  Mwa ha ha!  (That's supposed to be an evil laugh.)
Here's a cute quote from Evan that I've been meaning to post for awhile:  One morning he was still chilly as he left for the bus.  He gave me and the baby a hug, lingering at the belly.  Then he said, "It's so warm!  I wish I could be in your belly!"  You had your chance, Son.  No turning back.

And here's a bit of a peek into Eli's head:  Friday on the way to school I was...stressed out.  (Which you know if you read the post from that day.)  I had found a blue fleece jacket of Kendall's since my jacket no longer zips over my belly comfortably.  The blue fleece happens to match the blue fleece of my bathrobe.  Eli told me later that when he saw me sitting in the van, he thought I was wearing my bathrobe "because you were so stressed out."  Well, I was stressed out, but I did remember to get dressed.


Dave Gloria said...

Oh...they're so precious... even though they are exhausting at times... from Grandma M... who lives far away...

Twila said...

Here's from another nana that lives far away, and misses those little boys who are growing up really fast,Hang in there mommy! love from IA.
Mom H.