Monday, January 16, 2012

Wolf! (?)

The boys just came bursting in the front door with the terrifying news that there was a wolf in the green shed!  They were working on their snow fort near the shed when they heard noises inside and saw humongous, fresh wolf tracks leading in and not coming back out!  It took me a bit in all the excitement to realize that they didn't actually see the giant wolf with their actual eyes, but only heard him and saw his tracks.
They described the noises as sounding like a squirrel dying.  Or a racoon.  (Which we don't have up here.)  Or something playing.  But it was definitely a wolf as evidenced by the tracks. 

I stood at the window and watched for the wolf to come back out of the shed.  Eli and Evan desparately wanted me to wake up Kendall to go check.  When I refused, they wanted me to go check.  Well, I had my doubts about the vicous animal in the shed, but even so, I wasn't about to go check.  When I refused that option, Evan said he would go check.  He was ready to go out there with Eli's BB gun.  That offer was also refused by Mom.

We discussed what to do while I kept my eyes trained on the shed's doorway.  It's true that wolves are known to be in the area and we definately see tracks around, though the tracks that venture into our driveway are likely dog tracks.  Just the other night I saw our cat arching it's back at an unseen predator just outside the patio door.  Kendall looked, then freaked us out when he jumped up in surprise.  Oh wait, just a husky from down the road.  He thought for a second it was a wolf.

So the boys and I stood discussing our plan of action.  I hated to have them leave their play outside, but I was reluctant to send them back out.  Just in case.  Then a movement caught my eye.  Well, well, well.  If it wasn't a sweet little cat happily wandering out of the shed.  So much for the fierce giant wolf.  I did keep watch and my heart did skip a small beat when Evan ran out to look in the shed.  All he found was another happy little cat.

Whew.  Close call.

1 comment:

Twila said...

Great story Karen, It'll be fun for them to remember this story when there Daddy's