Sunday, January 22, 2012

Climbing Mt. Everest

Eli and Evan are extremely energetic at this stage in life.  I'll just say that I get so tired of the noise and high energy level in this home.  I know they are not always loud and running- Eli can spend large portions of time with his nose in a book and give Evan a game or a project and he is quietly working for a long time.  But these quiet times seem few and far between.  I've come to realize that it's the combination of 2 kids that cranks up the action level. 

Put them in the same house and they are (mostly happy) little Magnets.  They are constantly in physical contact with each other.  I love this about them.  I really do.  But sometimes I want them to stop touching each other so the action and noise go down a level or 10!  When they're constantly touching, they're wrestling and yelling or running and crashing and sometimes eventually kicking and hitting and angry.  One can hardly walk past the other without an arm or a foot reaching out for a little touch or kick or whack.  But sometimes they're reading or watching TV all cuddled up.  Or just standing beside each other with unconscious arms wrapped around each other. 

Last night Kendall had enough of the contact-induced noise and action.  "Okay!" he said, "No touching for 5 minutes!"  Well, this was almost too much for them.   But we physically separated them and things calmed down to a sane level.  Within minutes, though, and without even being aware of having moved toward each other, the 2 Magnetic Boys were sitting on the floor squished together sharing a blanket.  They. Are. Magnets.

I promise this magnetic attraction is one of my favorite things about Eli and Evan.  It's also currently one of the most challenging and grating.  Sometimes I just want Peace and Quiet!  I find myself feeling so frustrated and harried with the action.  So this leads me straight to guilt for getting so annoyed about one of the very best characteristics of the brother relationship my kids share.  I feel frustrated with myself for not enjoying my boys more.  What is my problem?!

I have a feeling that I'm not the only parent who has ever felt this way.  I know that years down the road, I will look back at my kids at this stage and feel nostalgic.  I'll probably wish I had enjoyed them more.  That's what you always hear.  And I believe it. 

But I'm not perfect and life's not perfect.

I know I have work to do in really enjoying my beautiful children- that's what I really want and what I'm striving for, but sometimes it's just harder than it seems it should be.  A friend recommended a very interesting article that helps me think about not carrying a load of guilt for not savoring every single moment.

Click on the link to read it:

And I'd love to hear your thoughts...


Jodi said...

I think you should start calling Eli "Peace" and Evan "Quiet" and see what happens. "Hey! Peace and Quiet! Come over here all ready!"

Kirst said...

thanks for sharing this post karen! i know what you mean about it sometimes being difficult to love/enjoy the quirks that make people so special...and i can identify with feeling like i "should" be just "soaking it up!" i'm glad to know i'm not the only one who struggles with this :) love you!

p.s. if you try jodi's idea, let me know how it works out :)