Saturday, April 3, 2010

Amusing Photos

Here we are getting ready to take off on our first ride of the day- the scary roller coaster that scared these two boys half to death. You can barely see Evan and me right behind them. Unfortunately, Kendall wasn't able to get a better shot because he got in trouble for having his camera out when a ride was ready to start and had to put it away.

Perhaps I loved it more than a mature 33-year old should.

('s strange, but I very much think of myself as 34. I just typed that instead of 33 and now that I realized that mistake, I remember that I recently told someone I was 34 and didn't catch it until now. And tonight during a conversation, I did some rough math in my head and came up with my age at Evan's birth as 30. That just didn't seem right, but I didn't take time to remember that I'm not yet 34. How weird.)

1 comment:

Twila said...

Great pictures, looks like fun. I think this old 57 year old would love those rides too.