Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yesterday Kendall and I had our final interview for foster parenting. Afterward, we took advantage of our child care and went out for lunch. And this may seem little, but it's a big thing to me- I ate a really good ethnic meal here in Red Lake! Okay, there's a "Chinese restaurant" close by, but other than that, the restaurants just aren't too exciting. For the most part, it's a very good thing for us because I am not near as tempted to spend lots of money eating out.

Anyway, back to my exciting news. We went to the Lakeview and they had a special: "Ukranian Dinner." It was very yummy- borscht, cabbage rolls, sausage and perogies. It was homemade and even though I was very polite and complimentary when I asked if the cook gives out the borscht recipe, I was told, "I don't think she'd give it out." Bummer. Any good recipes for borscht?

1 comment:

Twila said...

that staying late after church could have been Kendall's dad ?