Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Evan...

Little Evan is developing quite the skill. It has to do with bedtime...and poop.

We get them all tucked into bed and before long the bedroom door slowly creeps open. A squinting, blinking, smiling toddler stands in the doorway. Slyly, he says, "I have to poop and pee." We can't very well tell him, "No, go back to bed." So we take him and surprise surprise- he goes! Not sure how he is learning to hold it until after bedtime. One night he even went multiple times. Meaning, that he had the triumphant joy of coming out of his room more than once.

Finally, a couple nights ago, he had been up several times and was going down again...for the night. He seemed to agree with that. Soon after I left the room I heard Evan: "Eli! Eli!" I opened the door and Evan was at the top of the bunk bed's ladder right by Eli's head. "Evan!" I said, "Don't wake Eli up!" Evan turned to me and said, "But what is a bull dog?"

Oh, the pressing questions we ponder late at night...

1 comment:

Dave Gloria said...

Your "crazy" little Evan...somehow it"s a whole lot funnier now, then when my own kids were dragging out bedtime! Love, Mom