Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh, Evan....Again

While I'm on the subject of Evan, he has come up with another clever strategy to explain himself. Two nights at supper he randomly pointed his finger at Eli and said "Boom!" (We're trying to crack down on shooting each other.) Both nights Kendall reprimanded Evan and both times Evan tried the same excuse, "That's how you say Hi!"

We're working on waving instead.


Twila said...

glad they can't read comments on blogs but I roared, its to funny, I kinda think it might be his Dad's sense of humor:)
Mom H.

Jen Bontrager said...

Boy, you've got a clever one there.

Dave Gloria said...

Just HOW do these little brains work so fast!? Somehow just waving doesn't sound quite as exciting...yes, it's the other proud Grandma here. Gloria