Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Song for Lydia

The beautiful moments that I never want to forget...

Yesterday Eli and Evan were hanging out with their little sister.  I heard the following come out of Eli's mouth in spontaneous song form:

"Lydia!  Why are you so cute?  Why are you just the cutest baby in the whole world?"

Isn't that awesome?  Definitely one of my favorite parts of parenting!  I could tell it was very subconscious and unplanned.  In fact, later when I told Eli what he had sung, he had no memory of it.

As a side note, immediately following that beautiful song, I heard Evan ask, "Cuter than me?"

Eli's answer:  "Oh yeah."


Dave Gloria said...

Ooooooh... that's too good!


Twila said...

Oooooooh..... that's soo great! A song to remember for sure!
