Monday, February 13, 2012


Last Saturday we decided to visit the neighbors across the lake, so we harnessed up the dogs and off we went.
Oh wait.  We don't actually have sled dogs.
But we did get to go for a ride!  There was a visiting team of dogs in town.  Eli's class got to go see them on Friday and we all went on a beautiful Saturday morning.  They were just down the bay from us.  We could see them out on the bay from our house as they ran their route.  So we went to where they were set up and even enjoyed hot chocolate and bannock with the friends and neighbors that were also there.

After the kids got their rides, the adults had a chance too.  This was my vantage point:

If I turned around, this was my other vantage point:
Yes, I risked my life with this inexperienced, but dependable, driver.
If you look really closely, you can see our house across the bay.  Well, maybe not, but it's there.

And the boys got to hold 2 sweet little huskies.

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