Monday, December 5, 2011


Yep, that's the exact number of babies jumping around inside of me.  We are both disappointed and relieved.

It was fun to see that little guy in there again.  The ultrasound tech said he was very active, flipping all over the place.  Nothing like an active boy to liven up this boring, quiet household!

So, yes, that's the second piece of "information" we got, though I hesitate to even call it "information" because the tech was much more unsure of this than she was that there was only one in there.

For awhile, the baby was being modest.  "It has its little foot up in its crotch," she said.  Then the tech said that it was not quite developed enough to see.  But before the end of the ultrasound, she pointed out a pointy little protrusion and said, "Looks awfully 'penisy'."  So we'll see...  Hopefully we'll get a good view at our next ultrasound in a month or so.

In the meantime, I think I'll name him Delmar.


Jim said...

Congratulations! We were hoping for twins too, but alas, only One. But one is a good start. =)Kendra

Kirst said...

whoo hoo! another boy to add to the family! :) thanks for sharing the news!

Rhonda said...

yay for a healthy baby...and maybe it will be twins next time? ;)

also, for what it's worth...we had a tech tell us that we were having a boy once and she ended up definitely being a girl. :)

Jodi said...

Well, paint me red! Another boy! You guys have got it down. :) But, Delmar? I guess if it ends up being a girl, you could just swap it around and call her Mardel. That has a nice ring to it.
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