Monday, December 13, 2010


This morning as I was getting ready to leave Eli's classroom, an announcement came over the PA system: "Recess will be indoors this morning due to the fact that it is -37 degrees with windchill." (That's right around -23 fahrenheit.) A cheer went up from the classroom, though Eli was annoyed. Sledding during recess is often the highlight of his school day. As the teacher walked over toward me, I commented to him, "I didn't hear you cheering about indoor recess." He smiled and sarcastically noted that this would make the day "awesome." Yes, I truly feel for teachers when the kids don't get a chance to get outside and run off some energy.

So, I zipped up my down parka, donned my hat, scarf, mitts and boots, and headed out the door for my beautiful walk home. It's a sunny day and that makes me happy no matter what the temperature.

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