Monday, November 1, 2010

Odor Update

When we pulled up the carpeting in this room, the foam backing stayed glued to the floor. Here I am sanding off the foam in an effort to get rid of anything stinky and prepare it for sealer. I'm smiling, but it hurt! Hoping this helps with smell.
Speaking of the smell, it's getting better. Kendall has been lighting a fire in the wood stove. It's drying things out. Tomorrow my Mom and I will paint the subfloor with a primer to seal in any smells. Then we'll power wash the basement and put a dehumidifier down there.

Here's a "before" picture:
Again, if only it were scratch 'n sniff...

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Can I just say that we don't need no scratch n sniff! :) I have enough interesting smells goin on in my own house right now. But anyways, looks great! How exciting to be peeling away ug carpet and de-smelling your new place. Soon you will be filling it with yummy smells of your candles and cooking...