Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This morning I volunteered in Eli's classroom. This was the first time for that. Everything is clear to me now.

There are 19 kids in his class. 6 of them are girls. That means the overwhelming majority are boys.

As I walked from table to table helping with a craft, I heard what seemed to be Eli's quirks repeated over and over and over. Turns out, they're not Eli's quirks- they're 6-year old boy quirks. Lots of non-word noises. Lots of imagination. Lots of crashing and exploding.

I will attempt to demonstrate using bits of real conversations I overheard this morning:

Boy 1: And, like, Santa came in and (crashing noise)!

Boy 2: And there was a bear and he was like no way!

Boy 1: Yeah, like ahhh!!! a bear!

Boy 3: I saw a bear at a dumpster!

Boy 2: I saw a bear with his head stuck in a milk jug!

Boy 3: I saw a bear on a tire!

Boy 2: I saw a bear with his head stuck in a tire!

Boy 2: Like, we go up to the cops and say what are cops?

Boy 4: Ahhh! Yeah!

Boy 2: And they arrest us and say you're bad guys!

Never mind, this is a worthless exercise. I can't even come close to recreating any conversations because I can't do the million sound effects that were thrown in and all the chuckling and giggling.

I'll just say that it all became clear to me. Eli sounds exactly like his many male classmates. Apparently, he's right on track for a 6-year old boy.


Dave & Gloria said...

Yeah, Karen, I almost bought a moose pie yesterday, for the boys to put on someone's chair at Christmas, but then the price seemed a little much for a blob of chocolate that looked like a pile of you know what!? So for now the boy sounds will have to do... Mom

Jenni said...

Hilarious! And encouraging!