Monday, August 17, 2009

Kirsten, June 24-July 1

Kirsten came for a week in June. We had fun, made good food, and even made it to the beach a time or two. (Even though I sat there wrapped in a towel over my sweatshirt because I was so cold!)

We took the 4-wheelers out in the MUD. It was messy.

We were hoping to go camping with Kirsten, but the weekend between Kendall's shifts was rainy and cold. So we rented a cabin from friends for a night. We caught fish in spite of the rain and had a delicious "shore lunch." We found cozy inside activities.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Now that was one "mel" of a fish, Kirsten! (To use Duane's slang). I'm sure the boys loved having another adult around to dote on them! The four-wheeling looks like fun.