Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sucker Fishing

Sucker fishing is a popular spring ritual in Red Lake. I have heard about it for years and this year I was privileged to participate. This is the time of year that the sucker fish swim upstream to spawn. Sometimes they are thick in streams and rivers. You either reach in and grab a fish with your hands or you use a net. We had our chance to go right at the beginning of the season, so there weren't as many as there will be soon.

We took two four-wheelers down a very muddy trail and ended up at "the (non-existent) bridge." Kendall has memories of swimming with the suckers- going right into the river and grabbing fish around you. It was way too cold for any of that foolishness, so we stayed on shore and tried to not fall in.

Here's Kendall reaching in to grab a fish...

He's got something...

Looks like a slimy sucker...

And it is!

And the fish comes flying in my direction!


lynette showalter said...

what effective photo journalism! you are doing a great job of educting us and drawing us in to your world. i definitely feel closer to sucker fishing, having never heard of it before! look forward to seeing you soon.

Jen Bontrager said...

Hey- Stop sucker fishing and start driving south! Aren't you supposed to be here already? I have a baby to show you! :)
Seriously- great pictures. Makes me wish we could visit again. Love you!

ribbit98 said...

Some really great photos here in this sucker fishing segment, Karen! I like the smile on Kendall's face as he reaches into the water, the fish in mid-air as it comes sailing toward you, Eli holding the heavy fish in the net, and the 4-wheeler nearly getting stuck in the mud! Great adventures for the boys(and you)to remember!

Glenda said...

Looks like fun, Karen. I have fond memories of sucker fishing for a Friday priviledge activity during my school years. Just recently I was asking someone up here if they ever go sucker fishing...nope. Too bad...thought it would be a great to do with the students. Supposedly there's no place to go. Oh well. Looking forward to hearing about your trip south. And to seeing you in a few weeks. I, for one, am glad that you are living in Red Lake. =)