Monday, November 14, 2011


A big thank you to this studly man who put snowtires on the van tonight.  THANK YOU!

Then instead of organizing his shop after supper like he was so excited to do, he spent a very long time fixing the dishwasher. 

He's leaving for an overnight trip to Poplar Hill tomorrow and I'm happy that I won't be slip-sliding on the road so much and that I don't have to wash all the dishes by hand.  (I guess I could have left all of them for him when he gets home...)

Anyway, I'll miss him while he's gone!  (Thankfully, this is a very old photo or I might be relieved to have him leave.)


Jonathan Swartz said...

Thank you for this post Karen... if for no other reason than the glorious photo of Kendall. Awesome.

Jodi said...

I got freaked out when I saw this picture. I thought I accidentally logged onto a semi truck driver's blog. phew. Oh wait. I'm still freaked out.

LaRonda said...

That is SCARY!!! Is that really my brother?