Saturday, October 15, 2011

Moose Meat!

Yay! Kendall got a moose! Now we have a freezer full of meat once again! He went out hunting with some buddies last weekend and called me Sunday morning to report that he had just shot a calf. I was glad. (Partly because he used up his tag so early in the season!)

Yes, that is a piece of moose meat hanging from Kendall's mouth as he butchers.  I assure you it is cooked.  It is the heart- a Hochstedler tradition to cook and eat the heart as soon as possible.
Please ignore background clutter, but please do notice the house.  The outside is now finished except for the chinking between the planks on the entry. 

Evan wanted this picture to look like he had shot the moose himself:

And here the boys help wrap and label sausage:
Honestly, I don't even know how many pounds of meat we got from this moose.  I know that we cut more than 26 roasts off of it.  There are also a few steaks and some ribs to smoke.  Then Kendall took the rest off the bone and took it to a friends house to grind.  I have no idea how many pounds of ground meat and sausage we have.  Lots.  We're sharing some.  It's so nice to have and the roast we already ate proved to be WAY better than the tough old cow or bull from last year.

So, I'm happy for a freezer full of meat and perhaps even happier for an already-filled tag!


Kirst said...

that is some SERIOUS meat! :) nice work, kendall!

Dave Gloria said...

I like those little "Marker Guys"! Have you thought of a name for your meat processing plant? Maybe "EEK! Let EL, EV, & Ken Fill Your Freezer"
Glad you got some pictures!

Love and miss you, Grandma

Kirst said...

oh yea..and the house and deck look great!

Hans said...

Yay Kendall! Hans is gone hunting tonight (well I guess the actual hunt is tomorrow) so I guess we could have a deer in the same position as that moose! And the house looks great! It looks so finished, and I like that siding color. :)


Twila said...

Yea for the early filled tag!! I for sure know the feeling, glad its tender and tasty, I love how you find ways for the boys to help and I like grandma's idea to name the plant:) Blessings

Jim said...

Yay! I can almost taste moose roast as I read. Kendra

Renita said...

ok so tell me what moose tastes like? can't ever say i've had that. is it really good? send me a care package.