Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Eat My Words

This is so embarrassing, so don't ask why I'm posting it:

Tonight we biked to the beach. (No, it's not hot out, but today was warm and by the looks of the forecast, I don't think we'll be seeing temperatures like this for another 7 months or so. Wow. Writing that almost made me panic.) Anyway, back to the beach...

So we were enjoying the sand and the view, while Eli did a wee bit of exploring in the trees. Then he walked out of the trees carrying a crumpled piece of fabric. What?! It was his very own shirt! That we haven't seen for weeks! That he found in the bush at the beach!

Good grief! And I always get annoyed and slightly amazed when I see other random pieces of clothing forgotten at the beach. I say, "How can you forget your shoes?!" Well, apparently one day awhile back, Eli discarded his shirt and we left without it. I eat my words.

Oh. You thought that was the end of the story? Well, after Eli picked the slugs off of his discarded shirt, I took it and started walking away. But then my eyes spied a bit of blue. What?! It looks like...could it be?... I pick it up and turn it right side out... It's Evan's t-shirt that has been missing for weeks!

I will never again make fun of the people who abandon various articles of clothing at the beach. For now I am one of them. (Technically, my sons are two of them, but as their mother I must take responsibility.)


Jodi said...

At least you didn't find YOUR shirt, Karen! Or, maybe you should go back and check again...

Jenni said...

When we were doing a photo shoot at the beach a while ago, we used a random shirt that was laying around to dry off a wet rock so I could sit on it. I don't remember the colour for sure, but it could have been blue. Thanks! :-)

Wendy Yutzy said...

yeah, and we are the ones who left the shoes! Trevor went with Uncle D and you know, guys might not think of those things as quickly, the shoes were left behind, went back to get them and they couldn't be found....funny !