Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lucy Barks At Something In the Bush

Yesterday afternoon I heard Lucy barking outside. She was untied, so I thought she was barking at a walker and ran outside to call her back. But she was fiercely barking at something in the bush.


Kendall came out and for some reason I said, "I think she's barking at a wolf." I'm not sure why I said that. (Maybe it was the way she was growling or the hair bristling on her back or just my overactive imagination at work.)

Kendall bravely went to investigate. Silly me. It wasn't a wolf. It was a bear. Oh dear. The bear quickly excused itself.

I wasn't particularly afraid- more just disappointed that I didn't get to see it.

Later Kendall had a chat with our neighbors across the bay. They've been having trouble with that same nuisance bear. In fact, they have a hole in the screen on their front door where the bear stuck it's paw through. Lovely.

And so much for Kendall's convincing little theory that we are safe from the wild animals because "we live on an island." When I respectfully pointed that out to him, he just said, "Turns out bears can swim."

P.S. Eli says my title is pathetic. ("Very pathetic, in fact," he adds.) He thinks I should title this post 'The Wild Thing' or 'The Mysterious and Unexpected Visitor.'


Kirst said...

you guys are raising geniuses! "the mysterious and unexpected visitor?!" nice work with the vocabulary, eli. :)

Jodi said...

Eli could have a job titling kids books! Sounds like the Boxcar Children's subtitles. :)
Little too much adventure for me...those backyard critters you all have.

Dave Gloria said...

Grrrrrr... that feels a little plenty "close for comfort"!? I'm glad you have good ole' trusty Lucy!
Love from Grandma in Goshen, where the most exciting things prowling in thee yard are skunks and raccoons.

Hans said...

I was catching up on your blog and thought I'd say hello. We miss you guys! I'm happy you take pictures and tell us of your adventures. :) -Joelle