I went to the back of the house once again and then I heard the chainsaw start up. What? I'm pretty sure the chainsaw wasn't on his original to-do list. He must have gotten distracted by the sight of the chainsaw when he was in the shed getting the ladder. Hmm... I looked out the window and there was Kendall- cutting down a big tree in our backyard. Well, that tree didn't clear the view to the water as much as he had hoped, so down went another tree. Uh-oh, that left a tall poplar (which has a reputation for falling over unexpectedly) leaning menacing toward our house. Down went that tree. And on and on. Kendall would come up into the house or onto the deck to see if his view to the water was the way he wanted it, then would go down and start up the chainsaw again. I do not know how many trees passed on that day, but here is a photo of the carnage that was left when the chainsaw was finally quiet:
At least you can see the water, eh? The photo doesn't capture the trees that he downed into the bush. (I was quite impressed by his accuracy and I was amused by the chain of events starting with the dirty window.) And I think Kendall's day ended up being more exciting than it would have been if he would have stuck to his boring to-do list.
In other news, Evan finally lost his first tooth!
It was barely hanging on, but he didn't want to mess with it. He thought it would be cool to have double teeth- just let his adult teeth grow in behind the baby ones. Luckily, it came out when he took a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich. I think he looks awesome.